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What does PFP mean on Instagram?

Girl, you have a really cute pfp on instagram !!! Get the pfp mug. Get the pfp mug. An acronym that means picture for proof, largely used in text. pfp is a response to an action that someone "says" they are doing. Whether it is used online or in a text message. Most commonly used on status updates.

What is PFP on TikTok?

1. PFP = Profile Picture Made famous by TikTok users, PFP refers to the profile picture a user has for their account. Every user needs some sort of PFP to make their profile unique and stand out amongst the millions of users.

What does PFP mug mean?

Get the pfp mug. slang in the internet for Profile Picture. Short for pfp Get the pfp mug. stands for profile picture; used in instagram or any other social media platform Girl, you have a really cute pfp on instagram !!! Get the pfp mug. Get the pfp mug.

What does PFP mean?

PFP is an acronym in texting and social media. It means both picture for proof and profile pic. Person 1: I just did a black diamond -- stoked!!

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